The Contrada della Lupa is one of the seventeen contrade of Siena, situated in the Terzo di Camollia. Its emblem depicts a scenic landscape with an anciently crowned she-wolf accompanied by the twins Romulus and Remus, holding a white and black pennoncello. The emblem is bordered in silver and red, adorned with crosses in red and silver. Its colors are white and black, striped with orange. The motto of the contrada is “Et Urbis et Senarum signum et decus,” which translates to “Both the symbol and glory of the city and the Senate.”

The contrada holds the title of “Priora” for having hosted the first meeting of the Magistrato delle Contrade. Its designated Terzo is Camollia. The contrada’s military companies include San Donato near the Church and Sant’Andrea. The rival contrada of the Lupa is the Istrice. The patron saint of the contrada is San Rocco, the confessor. The titular celebration is held on the Sunday following the Palio of August 16th. The traditional guild associated with the contrada is that of bakers.
The Contrada della Lupa is one of the oldest contrade in Siena, boasting a long and rich history. The contrada holds great significance for its contradaioli (members), who are always ready to support it in its races at the Palio.