Porta Tufi in Siena
Porta Tufi is one of the main access doors to Siena and was most probably built around 1325-1326 on a project by Agnolo di Ventura .
Porta Tufi is part of the last walls and one short segment of one coming from Porta Tufi to Porta San Marco and was concluded in June 1415 following a project by Maestro Lorenzo della Pietra.
In the past it was defended by the Military Company of Porta all’Arco together with that of Sant’Agata.
Very probably there was already a previous Porta Tufi which used to be from Antiporto and it was an ancient gateway to the old city and to the whole area of Castelvecchio.
Porta Tufi assumed an important role in July 1552 when the troops of Enea Piccolini and Giovanni Benedetti who helped the city against the Florentines arrived in Siena.
This door is made of bricks and has a Guelfo embattled crown.