The Contrada Of The Snail

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The Contrada of the Snail is one of the seventeen contrade of Siena, and is located in the Terzo di Città. Its coat of arms is a snail walking on a white field with white and red Cyprus roses, alternating with the Roman letters U (Umberto I) and M (Margherita of Savoy) in blue. Its colors are yellow and red with a blue stripe. The motto of the contrada is “Con lento passo e grave nel campo a trionfar Chiocciola scende” (With slow and grave step in the field the Snail descends to triumph).

The contrada of the Snail is allied with the contrade of the Porcupine, the Panther, and the Forest. Its rival contrada is the Tartuca. The patron saint of the contrada is Saint Peter and Paul. Its titular feast is celebrated on June 29, even if it does not fall on a Sunday. The contrada of the Snail is the corporation of the tanners.

The contrada of the Snail is one of the oldest contrade of Siena, and has a long and rich history. The contrada is very dear to its contradaioli, who are always ready to support it in its races at the Palio.

The snail

The snail is an animal symbol of slowness and patience. However, the snail is also a very strong and resistant animal. It is able to travel long distances and overcome obstacles. The snail is also a very protective animal, and takes great care of its shell.

The symbol of the snail is very significant for the contrada of the Snail. The contrada wants to be an example of slowness and patience, but also of strength and resistance. The contrada wants to be a protective contrada, which takes care of its contradaioli.

The contrada of the Snail is a very beloved contrada by its contradaioli. The contradaioli are always ready to support it in its races at the Palio. The contrada of the Snail is a contrada very proud of its history and its traditions.

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