What Are All Major Attractions of Siena

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Siena is undoubtedly one of the most fascinating cities in Tuscany and throughout Italy.

It is considered a place rich of history and art, but linked to a close thread of mail even to traditions rooted as the districts and the famous Palio di Siena.

Let’s now see all the main attractions of Siena.

Thanks to our guide you can learn more about this fantastic city and better organize your trip to visit it.

Obviously, the most important attraction of Siena is Piazza del Campo, a tourist main place, a setting for restaurants and souvenir shops.

The slight slope of the square gives the site a special charm, with the opportunity to admire the many ups and downs that characterize the narrow streets of Siena.

The whole square is surrounded by a series of imposing facades belonging to noble palaces and this magnificent spectacle makes the place even more seductive.

However, if you want to see Piazza del Campo, you should go to the Torre del Mangia, located above the Palazzo Pubblico.

From this perspective you can admire the square in its typical form of shell with 9 segments, each of which refers to one of the famous components of the Government of the Nine that allowed Siena to become an unforgettable city.

Also in Piazza del Campo you will find the imposing Palazzo Pubblico, considered one of the most important and evocative civic buildings in Italy.

Inside it is set up the Civic Museum of Siena, which houses the most famous frescoes by Ambrogio Lorenzetti representing the Allegory of Good and Bad Government.

In the upper part of the square, moreover, you can admire the source Gaia, universally recognized as the most beautiful of all the Sienese fountains. Today the one in Piazza del Campo is an exact copy of the fountain Jacopo della Quercia made at the beginning of the fifteenth century.

Finally, remember that Piazza del Campo is also the famous stage of Palio di Siena, an exciting horse race that attracts thousands of spectators every year, comes to life twice a year.

Another must-see attraction is the Duomo di Siena, a monumental structure dedicated to the Assumption of the Virgin, which stands at the center of the homonymous square.

This building was built between the late twelfth and early thirteenth century and is one of the most shining models of medieval architecture in Italy, mainly Gothic but also with Romanesque traces.

Inside there is the floor, decorated with esoteric symbols and religious stories, among which we mention the Sibyls of tradition, the life of Moses and the Slaughter of the Innocents.

Also of great interest is the Piccolomini Library, frescoed by Pinturicchio at the request of Cardinal Francesco Todeschini Piccolomini, who later became Pio III, to contain his enormous amount of paper volumes.

Do not forget to visit the Baptistery of Siena, built between 1316 and 1325 by Camaino di Crescentino, and placed behind the Cathedral of Siena, under the final spans of the Coro del Duomo.

Its facade is in Gothic style like that of the Duomo and the interior is divided into 3 naves with an ogival vault.

The Baptistery, considered a splendid example of fifteenth-century Sienese art, presents magnificent vaults and frescoed walls with paintings by Benvenuto di Giovanni, Pietro degli Orioli and Lorenzo di Pietro known as “Vecchietta”.

Although the most important work of the Baptistery of Siena is the baptismal font, completed in 1431 thanks to the works of the most illustrious Italian artists of the fifteenth century such as Jacopo della Quercia, Lorenzo Ghiberti and Donatello.

Another monument that deserves to be mentioned is the Basilica of San Francesco, built in the first half of the 13th century in the homonymous square of Siena.

The internal environment is characterized by a single nave and, after many restorations over the centuries, today the structure takes on a Gothic connotation.

Another important church in Siena is the Basilica of San Domenico, built in 1226 and then transformed in the fourteenth century into a Gothic style that is still present today.

The façade is occupied by the Cappella delle Volte, on whose walls there are numerous paintings representing the life of Santa Caterina.

Inside there is also a relic of inestimable value: the head of Santa Caterina, located in the central part of the altar by Giovanni di Stefano.

Also worth visiting is the Gothic crypt restored during the twentieth century, in which much of the religious services are still celebrated today. Finally, how can we forget the suggestive Palazzo Salimbeni, the current representative office of Banca Monte dei Paschi.

The original building dates back to the three or four hundred. It underwent considerable alterations, especially in the nineteenth century, by the architect Giuseppe Partini, and the original structure, which was Gothic, became neogothic.

If you want to see all these attractions in maximum comfort, then you should book a hotel in the center of Siena with parking.

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