What to See in Siena Absolutely: The Magnificent Piazza Del Campo

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A shell shape to keep your every wish, the junction of three hills and the mythological battle of 17 districts.

This is the magnificent Piazza del Campo, the beating heart of an entire city and the undisputed destination of millions of tourists every year and from all over the world come to Tuscany to photograph it, admire it and bring it home magically, at least in their dreams.

This square so different and so steeped in tradition is before 1,100 with the first news about it dating back to 1.169.

Think that previously the Piazza was very large and also included the nearby Piazza del Mercato.

It was therefore a small valley of pilgrimages and which in 1270 became a veritable open-air market that the legendary Government of the Nine decided to pave.

The pavement was an important step that took place right after the erection of the Palazzo Comunale which, being the City Government, absolutely had to show all its beauty and majesty.

Piazza del Campo is made of nine segments that echo and celebrate the Government of the Nine and its greatness and foresight.

The square we see today is not that of the Nine but the result of choices and laws that have followed and overlapped in time to then draw the wonderful profile that we see today.

That said, the Piazza contains three jewels that every traveler is required to plumb with wonder and absolute amazement.

The first jewel is undoubtedly Fonte Gaia, whose name derives from the happiness with which the citizens welcomed the water that for the first time furrowed majestically Piazza del Campo.

Fonte Gaia, whose original marbles are perennially kept inside the Museum of the Hospital of Santa Maria della Scala to save them from the elements, was built with the most precious marbles by the famous artist Jacopo della Quercia who, in about ten years, since 1409 to 1419, he realized the entire work.

On the opposite side of Fonte Gaia and in the lower part, there is also the Palazzo Pubblico , built between 1288 and 1342, a work of engineering and gothic class and that inside welcomes the glorious Grand Council Hall.

A very fascinating detail of the Palazzo is the center of the façade where a rosette entirely in copper shows the monogram of Christ of 1425, a reprimand of San Bernardino.

If you look upwards you will see the Torre del Mangia, 88 meters of stone ornaments built by Muccio and Francesco di Rinaldo, as many as 400 steps that will take you to a view to remember.

Inside the Palace there is also the third jewel, the Civic Museum, a treasure chest of Tuscan art masterpieces with a large room called Mappamondo where you will find two magical masterpieces of the painter Simone Martini or La Majesty and Guidoriccio da Fogliano at the siege of Montaperti.

Then there is another room, the Sala della Pace with the frescoes of the Effects of Good Government and Bad Government, a warning that art gives us to understand the past, understand the present and improve the future.

The Museo Civico is an endless catalog of works by famous artists such as Domenico di Niccolò, the aforementioned Jacopo della Quercia, Domenico Beccafumi, Spinello Aretino and Bernardo Rossellino.

In short, Piazza del Campo and the best thing to see in Siena but not the only one and to do it in total comfort, we suggest you book the Minerva Hotel near Piazza del Campo .

The Minerva Hotel, as well as being just a few minutes walk from the Piazza, is a three-star hotel in Siena with indoor parking for a fee of 20 seats, a rarity in Siena and a perfect solution in the non-ZTL area.

Book now by clicking on the top and you will discover many rooms, each one different from the others and each one magical like the Piazza itself.

Discover our rooms and discover that most of them have a panoramic view of the Siena Center! , a unique emotion to be enjoyed and remembered forever.

Book now the Minerva Hotel near Piazza del Campo.